In Dialogue with Martin Buber
Each session, the presenter(s) will recommend a short reading selection. To make the most of the seminar, we highly recommend taking the time to read.
Session 4: The Charismatic Leader and the Life of the Community
Buber, Kingship of God, pp. 136-162 (spec. 136-141)
Buber, I and Thou, 43-46
Session 3: A Stroll Through the Woods with Buber: Reflections on Environmental Ethics
Buber, Martin, and Walter Kaufmann. I and Thou. New York: Scribner, 1970. Pp. 57-60, 172-177.
An autobiographical passage from Buber with the horse in Between Man and Man. (extract from 1965. NY: MacMillan).
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. ““Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity.” Remarks at a workshop on the moral dimension of climate change, Vatican City, 28 APRIL 2015. https://www.un.org/press/en/2015/sgsm16710.doc.htm.
Smiling at the Sun, a poem by Essi Ikonen inspired by Martin Buber’s I and Thou
Session 2: Dialogue In and “After” the Covid-19 Pandemic
“Dialogue In and ‘After’ the Covid Pandemic,” An unpublished excerpt from P. Mendes-Flohr’s Introduction to the Centennial edition of I and Thou.
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Session 7: The Medical Community’s Responses to the Pandemic
Session 9: Philosophical Reflections on this Pandemic
Final Session: Quo Vadis?
Wolpe, David. “What Would Martin Buber Think of Zoom?” Los Angeles Review of Books, July 20, 2020. https://lareviewofbooks.org/short-takes/martin-buber-think-zoom/.
Session 1: Buber and Politics Today
“Buber, Dialogue and Politics,” An unpublished excerpt from P. Mendes-Flohr Introduction to the Centennial Edition of I and Thou.
Buber, Martin. A Believing Humanism: My Testament, 1902-1965. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967.
Buber, Martin, and Walter Kaufmann. I and Thou. New York: Scribner, 1970. Pp. 92-122 (Pay particular attention to 117-119).