A roundtable conversation of poets on their craft in response to the epidemic.
The discussion is entitled: "The Symbolic Significance of the Pandemic In and Through Our Poems."
Esther Cameron, poet, essayist, translator, and editor-in-chief of The Deronda Review.
Emilie Bilman, a widely published poet in the UK, USA, Europe, who has given readings around the world. She is also a leading scholar of literature and psychoanalysis.
Esther Cameron, a poet, essayist, editor and translator living in Maale Adumim, Israel. She is the editor-in-chief of The Deronda Review.
Naama Gershy, an Israeli poet and an Assistant Professor of Clinical Child Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Sara Sassoon, an award winning poet, writer, and explorer of Jewish-Iraqi descent currently residing in Jerusalem, Israel.